Friday, 29 May 2015

An Easy Way To Arrange Your Jewelry Box!


           We all have those precious studs or that delicate bracelet and that beautiful tiny pendant that we adore so much and would protect it all our lives.
But then you open your Jewelry box and *dhun dhun dhun* all your studs or necklaces or bracelets or watches are tangled with each other,some of your studs broken (the ones that you would give up your life for protecting).Thats when it dawns you "I WISH I KEPT MY JEWELRY BOX SYSTEMATIC"
My daughter is a fair example.
But now this mommy couldnt let her be the damsel in distress,could she?

Absolutely NOT.

And I know this a common problem.Sometimes,though not intentionally,but we keep our jewelry carelessly,without thinking of the consequences.

Say youre late for a meeting but you just cant find that stud of yours or even if you find that bracelet it is tangled with  your necklace and you know it would take hours to entangle it.

But no more,cause im here for the rescue!!

All you need is a box with many separate compartments

Something like this one:

As you can see the first top compartment has rings in it.
The one beside it has all the earrings.
Then the third one of the top row resides all the bracelets.
The first compartment in the second row has all the necklaces.and so on..

So that is how you can too set up your jewelry.Without your necklace getting tangled with your bracelets.

I hopE you like this idea and would find it helpful.
Please share it wherever you can and if you have any other ideas dont shy away and share it.

Much Love,
From,One Mommy
To,Another XOXO


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