Friday 29 May 2015

Hard To Resist Homemade Mango Ice-Cream!!!! YUMMMMM


        Summers here,its the season for the King of fruits,our very own-Mr.Mango *applaud*

    Who isnt fond of mangoes? No wonder it has been crowned as the king of fruits.That enticing,juicy,delicious fruit is anyway hard to resist.

   And now that he is here and so is summer,we crave for some MANGO ICE-CREAM!


  And what can be better than a homemade mango ice-cream aye? *wiggles brows*

  So without much further ado,lets get started!!


  • 3 mangoes pulp
  • Condensed Milk 
  • Fresh Cream
  • Mango pieces 

       1)Mix all of the above contents,except for the mango pieces,with hand blender.

      2)Now put this mixture in an airtight container.
      3)Add your mango pieces and slowly mix it in with a wooden spatula.Dont be rough,mix it in with light hands.

      4)Now put the lid on and keep it in the freezer for about 8 hours.

      5)For the first four hours mix it in periodically every hour.

6)VOILA! Your very own homemade mango ice-cream is ready

Now go on,endulge yourself in this heavenly sweetness.Oh boy that ice-cream!

WARNING:Your children might end up fighting for a spoonful of it :p

I hope you like this recipe and share it wherever you can.
If you have any ideas please dont shy away and share.
Write down your views in the comment box below and dont forget to check my previous blogs.

                                                             MUCH LOVE,
                                                            From,One Mommy
                                                            To,Another XOXO




An Easy Way To Arrange Your Jewelry Box!


           We all have those precious studs or that delicate bracelet and that beautiful tiny pendant that we adore so much and would protect it all our lives.
But then you open your Jewelry box and *dhun dhun dhun* all your studs or necklaces or bracelets or watches are tangled with each other,some of your studs broken (the ones that you would give up your life for protecting).Thats when it dawns you "I WISH I KEPT MY JEWELRY BOX SYSTEMATIC"
My daughter is a fair example.
But now this mommy couldnt let her be the damsel in distress,could she?

Absolutely NOT.

And I know this a common problem.Sometimes,though not intentionally,but we keep our jewelry carelessly,without thinking of the consequences.

Say youre late for a meeting but you just cant find that stud of yours or even if you find that bracelet it is tangled with  your necklace and you know it would take hours to entangle it.

But no more,cause im here for the rescue!!

All you need is a box with many separate compartments

Something like this one:

As you can see the first top compartment has rings in it.
The one beside it has all the earrings.
Then the third one of the top row resides all the bracelets.
The first compartment in the second row has all the necklaces.and so on..

So that is how you can too set up your jewelry.Without your necklace getting tangled with your bracelets.

I hopE you like this idea and would find it helpful.
Please share it wherever you can and if you have any other ideas dont shy away and share it.

Much Love,
From,One Mommy
To,Another XOXO


Saturday 23 May 2015



    Summers here,time to sweat and for us mommys cooking in the kitchen at this time of year is just fantastic..note the sarcasm.

   Phew! I know how hard it is to stand in front of the flame for hours especially with kids around.Its like doing two jobs at the same time.We can always go to the restaurants to take a day off,but lets be honest,we are mommys,money savers,we know cooking at home is much more affordable than going out for dinner-everyday.

   Who doesnt love continental food? We all do but we mommys know there are many complicated ones,meaning,staying in the kitchen in that heat for hours and hours.My family is a huge fan of arabic cuisine.Arabics like their food blend,not much masalas,but we indians always need some spice in our food...and our life.

   But you know what,im about to share an indo-arabic recipe with you.
Note the perks-easy,not so complicated and worth it.

 So lets get started *stretches out*

                                Drumstick Rice With Arabic Chutney

  • Chicken Drumsticks 
  • Haldi Powder (Turmeric)
  • Boiled Rice
  • Oil
  • Ginger Garlic Paste
  • Grounded Red Chilli Powder
  • Grounded Coriander Powder (Dhanya)
  • Jeera Powder (Cumin)
  • Chaat Masala
  • Garam Masala (All spice)
  • Chicken Cubes
  • Spring Onions
  • Salt to taste

1.    Marinate the drumsticks with turmeric powder and salt and boil it in half a cup of water till the water evaporates.

2.  Saute whole coriander,cumin seeds,dry red chili in a pan,dont burn it and then grind it.

3.Take some oil in pan and saute in your ginger garlic paste on a slow flame.

3.Now add in your ground masalas in the sauted ginger garlic paste.Add chaat masala,garam masala,turmeric powder,chicken cube-powdered,some water in the same and saute it again,dont forget your salt,you obviously want some taste.Saute everything for more 5 minutes and then add in your boiled rice mixing it well.Now put on your lid and let it cook on a very slow flame till the steams out.

4.Add in your spring onions and mix it well

VOILA!Your rice is ready.

Now the second part is the drumsticks.
Lets get on it!

1.Remember the first step where we boiled our chicken? Marinate them again with ginger garlic paste,chaat masala powder,garam masala powder and red chili powder.

2.Now shallow fry the marinated chicken.

VOILA!Your chicken is ready!

TIP:If you want your chicken to have that tandoori flavour,heat up your coil and place it in the middle of your chicken and put on the lid quickly.

Now the final stage,the arabic chutney!

  • 5-6 Tomatoes                                                                                                 
  • Crushed Garlic                                                                                               
  • Crushed Black Pepper                                                                                    
  • Oregano                                                                                                          
  • Red Chili Powder                                                                                          
  •   Oil                                                                                                                   
  •  Coriander (for garnishing)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    

1.Make a tomato paste 

2.Add some oil in your cooking dish and add in some crushed garlic when the oil is a bit hot and saute it a little.

3.Add in all the spices as mentioned in the ingredients,saute it for two minutes add your tomato puree and cook it for 5 minutes on high flame

3.Garnish it with coriander.

VOILA!Your arabic chutney is ready!

I hope you like this recipe and try it out,please leave your views in the comment box below.

And if you have any other ideas for such easy and tasty recipes for us mommys to cook please share them in the comment below.

My next post will be on fruit lollies ;)

From,One Mommy
To,Another XOXO

Wednesday 20 May 2015



  Although im a mommy of 3,which been said i have 15 years of experience about raising kids,I still am always looking for the best ways to raise them,to give them a proper diet.Im a mommy to a 7 months old beautiful princess and am always worried about her weight.All the mommys out there share the same concern.Although weight has nothing to do with the all-round development of a baby,but everyone expects the baby to be all fatty.If the baby is healthy,active and achieves all the milestones,there aint anything to be worried about.But still,a mommy is exposed to sarcastic comments about her baby and made to be felt low about it.

So im here for the rescue,again ;)

  There are certain foods that can help to put on weight,Let me share a secret-providing high calorie food instead of chocolates or ice-creams,etc etc.can help.

     SO MOMMYS!-Here are the top 15 foods for weight gain in babies and kids.


       Whole cream milk can help your baby to put on weight.It is power packed with calcium and is loaded with calories.Offer your 1year+baby/kid a glass of full fat milk every morning.If youre breast feeding,continue the practice.Breast milk help to fulfill the fat and energy requirement of a baby.No wonder its said Mothers milk is best for the baby.It does wonders.


    Whole cream yoghurt is an apt choice too.Please try your best to not buy the flavour fruit yoghurt available from the market as they are loaded with sugar,REFRAIN FROM IT.Instead just blend in some fruits with the yoghurt.VOILA! Your wholesome fruit yoghurt/smoothie is ready.Fancy aye? ;)

   Now for elder kids,who love ice lollies (who doesnt anyway,hft) you can freeze your wholesome fruit yoghurt in an ice-cream container.VOILA! your very own whole cream yoghurt lolly is ready.
  Ive tried this on my son and he loved much for being  a fun mommy aye ;)


    A small piece of cheese as an evening snack can help here.The best option is homemade cottage cheese can be given in the form of Broccoli Cheese Mash,Potato Cheese Mash,Egg With Cheese and some cheesy stuff like that.


   Now,this fruit is enriched with fruit sugar.You can give this in the form of plain chikoo puree,chikoo milkshake or any other chikoo-ish stuff like that.


   Bananas are an excellent source of carbs and energy.Golden bananas and Kerala bananas both are excellent for your babies.Golden bananas can be given in the form of plain banana puree or banana milkshake,whereas,Kerala bananas can be steamed,de-seeded and mashed with a tea spoon of ghee.
P.S give one/half a banana everyday.


     Ragi with ghee and Jaggery can help babies to put on weight.


       Avocado is rich in good fats.Its an excellent food for weight gain too.Just blend it in with whole cream milk or plain mashed.A mom suggested adding jaggery to avocado.Oh its yumm.


     Its my and my kids favourite.
    Sweet potato again is rich in sugar and beta carotene.You can give it in the form of Sweet Potato plain mash or Sweet Potato with Milk,Sweet Potato Lentil Mash or other sweet stuff like that..


  Eggs are power packed with protien.Yellow yolk can be started from the 8th month and whole eggs from 1 year.


     Potato can help to put on weight.It is an excellent source of carbohydrate and energy this can be given in the form of Potato Cheese Mash,etc etc.


       Add a tsp of butter to your baby's food like Dal Khichdi which helps to increase the nutrition content.And please oh please DO NOT go overboard with the butter here as it has 97% of fat  and could trigger obesity in babies.We sure dont want that so limit to 1/2 or 1 tsp a day.


    The same golden rule above applies for ghee as well.
We want healthy babies and not obese ones


      Peanut butter is an excellent source of weight gain.If your baby is 1 year+ you can spread a tsp of peanut butter on a bread (brown bread is a best choice) and give it to them.


   Olive oil contains good fat.It would be wise if you start preparing baby food in olive oil.


  Mixed nuts are enriched with Vitamin E,protiens and fat.You can add a pinch of mixed roasted nuts to the milkshakes,porridge,etc etc to your 8m+ baby.
P.S make sure the nuts are grounded well to avoid choking.

Now for some wise advise-

  • Avoid too much chocolates for putting on weight.We dont want cavities.
  • NO Vanaspati or Dalda.Olive oil or any vegetable refined oil is good for cooking baby food.
  • The aim here is to provide high calorie food like mashed bananas or potatoes,so even if your angel eats a little,high colories sure do know to do their job well.

Hope you like my post please comment down below if you have any queries.
I would appreciate if you tell me your feedbacks.


               From,One mommy 
               To,another XOXO

Monday 18 May 2015


      We all indians have their chapatis and puris almost everyday.
Well...not in my house.We have it,say,once or twice in a week.My kids arent too fond of chapatis,but they wouldnt say 'no' to puris.But making chapatis or puris or rotis is a huge task for us busy moms.The dough has to be made a perfect circle-thats whats expected from every women,literally.

Using the rolling pin for this task is a pain in the neck.Every mom like me wants to find an easy way to roll that dough perfectly without killing your neck and back and oh the wrists too.

So im here for the rescue ;)

I got this idea form one of my realtives when she told me about this non-electric  puri machine.
So i thought why not try to use it.

My mommys,it was a huge success.Honestly,it was fun.Even your kids can make rotis or puris in it.Train your daughters using this and they wouldnt ever say no to making chapatis-ive tried it.

Now,although it is called a 'puri' machine.You can make rotis or chapatis in it too.

All you need to do is,knead the dough using a food processer or the traditional way-using your hands.But we know food processers a best friend when it comes to kneading dough.It makes it easier,Just make sure that your dough isnt too soft nor too hard.

Now take as much dough as you require (depending on your machine) and flatten it lightly drenching it in flour on both the sides.Apply some oil on the base of your puri machine and place the dough on it and PRESS.

VOILA! you have a round chapati or puri or roti or whatsoever.
Now cook your dough and happy eating!

This is the typical puri maker,much like an older version.

This is the one that i have,much like a newer version.
But the both of them work the same job.

I hope you like my idea and i hope you share it with others too.If you have any other ideas on homemaking for us mommys then please do comment down below.

Much love,
from one mommy to another XOXO